Friday, February 15, 2019

Personal Protection Equipment

Personal Protection Equipment is a compilation of the armor by type and accessories that post-collapse warriors risk their lives to find.  This includes everything from helmets and vests that were obsolete before the collapse, to high-tech power-assisted armor systems that ferociously dominated the world’s most violent battlefields for as long as they lasted.  Our goal was to include some of the most iconic armor types, most of which the gaming community at large is familiar with.


Justin Oldham, creator of A.C.: After Collapse, talked about some of his future plans for this game.  “I want many of old school post-nuclear gamers like myself to feel like they are visiting a good friend, something they remember fondly.  With older armor types to work with, it’s possible to introduce near-future systems at a later date…afar everyone has a taste of the post-collapse world.”

What is the important of PPE in post-apocalyptic imagery?  Justin said, “Throughout the 1950’s and 1960s, it was widely believed that nobody at all could survive a nuclear war.  Begging in the 1970s on through to the present, we’ve seen soldiers train to use rubber suits that fit on over their uniforms.  There was a point the image of gas masks was powerful, eventually replaced by that mask-and-suit combination.  As we look forward in to our own near future, we can see that armor and NBC protection are going to merge.  When they do, that new combination of equipment will be the ‘image’ that dominates books and movies for as long as those technologies exist.”

How does the system of Armor Points work in this game?  Justin explained, “Characters and NPCs rely on their Total number of Armor Points (TAP) to stop attacks that hit them, or to reduce the amount of damage they inflict.  The damage that Characters and NPCs may be subject to is: High Velocity (HV), Low Velocity (LV), or Energy-based (EN).  Armor types are intended to simulate increasingly more effective forms of protection based on the materials, which are: High Velocity (HV) (vs. HV damage), Low Velocity (LV) (vs LV damage), Multi-role (MR) (vs. HV and LV damage), and Universal (UN) (vs. HV, LV and EN damage).  The damage inflicted by a successful attack that has hit its target is compared to the victim’s TAP, any amount less than the TAP means the attack was stopped; meaning the individual or item is unharmed.  If the attacker’s damage is greater than the total amount of Armor Points a defender has, any remainder that is more than the target’s total # of Armor Points will penetrate (i.e., gets through to harm them.  To simulate the wear and tear of equipment in combat, players are allowed to decide which piece of equipment they have will lose one Armor Point every time their TAP # is exceeded (i.e., penetrated).  Gradually, their equipment with Armor Point Values will be worn out and destroyed.”

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