Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Origin of A.C.: After Collapse

The origin story of A.C.: After Collapse began four decades ago.  Creator Justin Oldham recalls:

"I've always been what you might call an idea person.  I can sometimes see the potential in things.  my first exposure to role playing games happened in the winter of 1979, when a friend gave me a copy of 1st Edition Gamma World.  On the first read-though, I encountered the term Armor Class, wich made me immediately think of something unrelated I had read in a history book days before.  The author had been talking about post-Collapse Rome, as in after the Roman Empire was gone.  Late one evening, during some of the first game sessions I participated in; I was inspired to doodle what later became the A.C. logo.   Somebody complained that I wasn't paying attention, they took that doodle away from me--tore it up and threw it away--and I forget about it for nearly four years."

"Fast-forward to the winter of 1983, and I'm having lunch with friends--including my future wife--we were talking about the nuts and bolts of game mechanics.  Informal as it was, some kind agreement materialized between us to eventually build a game.  I kept the name to myself for nearly thirty years, it's fair to say that my wife didn't  know what it would be called until six years before we launched what you now see as A.C.: After Collapse."

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