"Lex" is the brave teenage hero in Haven's Legacy, our first novel based on the post-apocalyptic RPG A.C.: After Collapse. As the story unfolds, readers discover that he believes himself to be an orphan. Lex runs for his life when a large band of bloodthirsty raiders attack the only home he's ever known, massacring everyone who dared to resist. What starts out as a panicked effort to survive gradually becomes an epic quest to find answers to questions he never wanted to ask.
The clues are there, Lex just has to put them together--and--stay alive! That challenge is made just a little harder by the fact that he is farsighted, he needs glasses to see people, places, and things far away before they have any chance to hurt him. Along the way, he feels a storng need protect those who can't defend themselves. That includes a handful of children who manage to escape the raiders and flee in to the countryside. Surrounded by dangers he can't always see, Lex puts the pieces of his past together. What he learns will surprise you.
His path to discovery takes him through places that have long since been forgotten, to the doorstep of a hidden treasure that will do more than give him answers. Would you be ready to meet the family you never existed? Could you make your peace with feelings of abandonment? These are just a few of the challenges Lex must meet and defeat before he can be his better self. If you are brave enough, the truth of Haven's Legacy might surprise you!
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